Temecula, CA Custody Lawyers

Making the decision to divorce your spouse isn’t easy to do, especially when children are involved. In addition to divvying up your assets and property, you also have to create a custody arrangement. Because matters like these are so sensitive, it is likely that discussions of dividing up time with your children might raise tension between you and your soon to be ex spouse. Whether things were already contentious, or you’re on decent terms with your children’s other parents, it can be easy to allow your emotions to cloud your best judgment, making it difficult to make decisions in the best interest of your children. That’s why it’s important to have one of our experienced Temecula custody lawyers on your side. 

We can help you take a level-headed approach to creating a custody arrangement so that you can keep your children’s well-being at the forefront of your decision making. Call today to schedule a free initial consultation with a member of our team. 

Why Should You Work With Our Temecula Custody Lawyers?

Just like divorce, custody is a legal process that can easily become complex. It entails time-sensitive paperwork, court appearances, negotiations, and potential disputes. When it comes to creating an arrangement, your primary focus should be – and likely is – to find a solution that is in the best interest of your children. After all, this is as much of a transition for them as it is you. Our custody lawyers can help you prioritize the emotional well-being of your children by getting to know you and your unique situation so that they can craft an arrangement that is in good alignment with the needs of your family. Working with one of our Temecula custody lawyers can offer you peace of mind by providing you with seasoned legal guidance. 

What Is Involved In California Custody?

Similar to other states, custody in California is used to determine how two parents will share responsibility for their children. There are two types of custody: legal and physical. Legal custody refers to who will make important decisions on behalf of the children when it comes to matters like education, healthcare, religion, and more. Physical custody refers to who the children will primarily reside with the majority of the time. 

While it is always best for children to have two active parents in their life, this isn’t always an option. There are extenuating circumstances in which it’s more appropriate for one parent to have sole physical and legal custody (for example, if the other parent has a history of neglect, substance abuse, or domestic violence). 

Your custody arrangement may also address:

  • A schedule for holidays and special occasions
  • Visitation – if one parent has sole physical custody
  • Relocation (a plan for if one parent has to relocate, or if the children need to be relocated)
  • Child support – who pays who
  • And more!

How The Grey Legal Group Can Help You

If you and your spouse have decided to go your separate ways and need to create a custody arrangement, our skilled Temecula custody lawyers are here to help. We understand how important your children are, which is why matters like these can be so stressful. That’s why we advocate for a result that not only protects your parental rights, but also ensures the best possible future for your family. Divorce is difficult as is. Let us help you through this chapter so that you and your children can begin a new one. Call The Grey Legal Group today to schedule a free initial consultation with a member of our team.  

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